The QA night squad


Since Vietnam is on ICT time, which is 12 hours ahead of New York, it is especially advantageous when it comes to daily quality assurance. For the past few years the flow has been pretty well honed:

  • US dev checks in code and deploys on staging
  • US dev marks the ticket as ready-to-be-QA'ed. Then he goes to sleep
  • VN QA wakes up, goes on staging and checks the ticket. If it passes then it goes to ready-to-deploy to prod. Else it goes back to dev
  • At the end of day VN time, QA writes a summary report with what has passed or failed. Sometime she screen records the bug if it is still unclear. Then she goes to sleep
  • US dev wakes up, reads the report and fixes the failed tickets
  • The cycle continues until all tickets go to prod

Note how the US dev and VN QA work in relay manner with almost no overlapping time, resulting in a very productive development cycle. Had the QA been based in the US as well, the dev would have to wait until the next day or more for the QA to finish her work.

With a QA night squad, our US client now has a secret weapon, enabling him to deploy high quality code at half the speed of his competitors. At a fraction of the cost!


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